There was a big-time Internet marketing phenom a few years back called BUM Marketing. It centered around the idea that any old bum off of the street could make money online if they followed a simple article writing and distribution strategy. It worked like a charm for a while, made quite a few people rich?and now it doesn?t work anymore.
Why not? Because when ever everyone and their brother starts doing something, you inevitably get a diminishing returns situation. The more got flooded with non-English-speaking writers that spammed the editors so hard that occasionally a barely-comprehensible article made it through, the more surfers became sensitive to poor English and bad sentence structure and simply clicked away the instant an article became incomprehensible, even if only for a single phrase.
That, in turn, has led us to today: with so many old, crappy articles on the Web?s various article directories, Google has cracked down hard. Quality levels have to be high if you want an article to score a decent spot on the SERPs ? and not just high as in ?you speak good English?, but high as in ?people who click on this article will leave feeling like they just got what they wanted?.
AND they have to be built to exacting SEO specifications. Now, it?s totally possible for you to learn in-text SEO tricks and take the time on a regular basis to write things about your industry that people would actually love to read and leave feeling like they won a prize. And even to learn to weave calls-to-action into the text so that the article sold your product or service as well?but could you do all of that and run your business effectively at the same time?
Not bloody likely. A dedicated website SEO guy, however, can easily learn enough about your business to write intelligent, useful, practical, SEO?ed articles that will drive traffic to your site. That?s his job ? and that?s precisely why you shouldn?t write your own. It worked a half a decade ago, but today, it?s the age of the geek. Let us do what we do best.
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