Friday, October 25, 2013

The Healthcare.bomb Gabfest

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Our San Francisco shows are sold out, but some tickets may be available at the door for the conundrums show.

On this week’s Slate Political Gabfest, Emily Bazelon, John Dickerson, and David Plotz discuss why has been a disaster, whether Twitter accounts like @Natsecwonk contribute to free speech, and what Maryland gubernatorial candidate Doug Gansler should have done about a house full of drunk teenagers.

  • Here are some of the links and references mentioned during this week's show:

  • Federal officials didn't fully test until two weeks before it opened.

  • Before the Obamacare website was up and running, John wrote about how much was riding on its functionality.

  • The government's software development model is outdated.

  • Jofi Joseph was fired from his White House job for tweeting as @natsecwonk.

  • Maryland gubernatorial candidate Doug Gansler visited his son at a party where teens were drinking but didn't intervene. He now says he made a mistake.

David chatters about a man determined to bury his wife in his front yard.

Topic ideas for next week? You can tweet suggestions, links, and questions to @SlateGabfest. The email address for the Political Gabfest is (Email may be quoted by name unless the writer stipulates otherwise.)

Podcast production by Mike Vuolo. Links compiled by Rebecca Cohen.

Tags: aldon smith   rosh hashanah  

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