Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Nice to meet you!

Hello there!

I'm Valerine, a mix of a name I could have had and that I have, all at once that I thought looked and sounded pretty. I actually found this place through Google a few years ago but have seen then started anew after many email changes and unpleasant lack of will to continue writing and roleplaying. I do love roleplaying, however, and though I had to leave it I could never stay away for long, so here am I! I can't remember when I started, as it's quite a long time ago, but my tastes and skills have refined (I hope) wildly since then.

I love the full-featured style roleplays, and I hope to take advantage of those once more to their full potential, that it may be as a Storyteller or as a roleplayer. I love slightly guided roleplays above all, as they usually have more of a plot and it's fun to be able to discover things or have someone else interact with our world. I also love Horror and Historical roleplay, and can get really hooked on Futuristic, Game-Like and Fantasy roleplay. Plus, some Comedy is always appreciated!

I enjoy watching documentaries and reading manga and am a quick learner. I absolutely love learning new things, so bring on the trivia or lectures :)! Beside that I lead a pretty dull life, that brought me through escapism of formidable and exciting tales in both literature and roleplay.

I also have access to the PDF of both Vampire core books, Call of Cthulhu and some Savage Worlds books, if it interests anyone. So that's all I can say for now. Have a good night!

...and a cookie with a glass of milk for the trouble ;)!

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/l9Ro0Ic_GNg/viewtopic.php
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