Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Blood protein EPO involved in origin and spread of cancer

Monday, December 5, 2011

Researchers at the Swedish medical university Karolinska Institutet have demonstrated that a growth hormone, PDGF-BB, and the blood protein EPO are involved in the development of cancer tumours and that they combine to help the tumours proliferate in the body. These new preclinical findings offer new potential for inhibiting tumour growth and bypassing problems of resistance that exist with many drugs in current use. The results are published in the scientific journal Nature Medicine.

Angiogenesis is the formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones, and is one of the most important research fields in the treatment of such diverse conditions as cancer, metastases, obesity, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and chronic inflammation. The process is also important in healthy individuals for wound healing, the menstrual cycle and other normal processes. Professor Yihai Cao and his team are researching into angiogenesis and its links to cancer and other diseases, and in the present study show the significant role played by a growth factor, PDGF-BB.

"It's a member of the PDGF family and significantly contributes to blood vessel development, which is one of the characteristic signs of cancer, says Professor Yihai Cao. Our preclinical findings suggest that PDGF-BB causes systemic effects in the body, which is to say that rather than being active locally it goes into the blood and interferes with the function of several organs so that the entire body is affected."

Their studies are carried out on mice, and in the present study they were able to show that when the growth factor PDGF-BB binds to its receptors, it stimulates the blood protein EPO (Erythropoietin), which, in turn, controls the production of red blood cells, that provide more oxygen for tumor growth and metastasis.

"EPO has several functions," says Professor Yihai Cao. "It produces more blood and stimulates angiogenesis, and we have revealed the underlying mechanism. It also stimulates tumour angiogenesis by directly stimulating the proliferation, migration and growth of endothelial cells and their ability to form the so-called epithelial tube. PDGF-BB promotes the stimulation of extramedullary haematopoiesis, enlargement of the liver and spleen, which increases oxygen perfusion and protection against anaemia." The introduction of PDGF-BB in mice thus boosts erythropoietin production and the haematopoietic parameters. In addition, EPO may directly act on tumor cells to promote their growth and metastasis.

"We believe that the increase in EPO might be responsible for tumoural resistance to anti-angiogenetic drugs, which only target PDGF ligands. The combination of drugs targeted at both PDGF and EPO has potential superior therapeutic benefits and might circumvent today's serious resistance problems," says Professor Yihai Cao, adding that they will continue to study mouse models and explore opportunities for clinical studies on patients.


Karolinska Institutet: http://info.ki.se/ki

Thanks to Karolinska Institutet for this article.

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Source: http://www.labspaces.net/115720/Blood_protein_EPO_involved_in_origin_and_spread_of_cancer

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EU in antitrust probe of Apple, e-book publishers (AP)

BRUSSELS ? The European Union's antitrust watchdog is probing whether Apple and five major publishing houses have colluded to restrict competition in the market for e-books.

The European Commission probe announced Tuesday focuses on potentially anticompetitive practices by publishers Hachette Livre, a unit of France's Lagardere Publishing; Harper Collins, owned by Rupert Murdoch's U.S.-based News Corp.; CBS Corp.'s Simon & Schuster; Penguin, which is owned by U.K. publishing house Pearson Group; and Germany's Verlagsgruppe Georg von Holtzbrinck.

"The Commission will in particular investigate whether these publishing groups and Apple have engaged in illegal agreements or practices that would have the object or the effect of restricting competition" in Europe, it said in a statement.

It is also looking into "agency agreements" between the publishers and the e-book retailers. In those agreements, publishers set a price for their e-books, with retailers taking a cut of the profits.

Apple Inc. runs the iBook online store, in which consumers can buy and download e-books onto the company's devices, including the popular iPad tablet and the iPhone. It is a competitor of Amazon.com Inc.

The announcement from the Commission follows raids in the offices of several publishers in March and a related probe launched by the U.K. Office of Fair Trading. The Commission said Tuesday that the British agency OFT had suspended its investigation since the Commission had taken over the case, but the two regulators were working closely together.

Pearson said that the fact that the Commission has opened an investigation does not prejudge the outcome of the probe.

"Pearson does not believe it has breached any laws, and will continue to fully and openly cooperarte with the Commission," the company said in a statement.


Robert Barr in London contributed to this report.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/tech/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20111206/ap_on_hi_te/eu_ebooks_antitrust_probe

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Virginia Tech seeks to block fine in shooting case (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Virginia Tech says it acted appropriately in alerting the campus that bloody spring day in 2007 during what turned out to be the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.

The government disagrees and has levied $55,000 in fines, contending the school was too slow in notifying students, faculty and staff and therefore in violation of a federal law requiring timely warnings when there are safety threats.

The university gets a chance Wednesday to begin making its case before an Education Department administrative judge, Ernest C. Canellos, in hopes of erasing a fine that isn't hefty but can leave a black mark on an institution's record.

The fines were levied under a law known as the Clery Act, which requires colleges and universities to provide warnings in a timely manner and to report the number of crimes on campus. During the Obama administration, there's been a ramping up in enforcement under the act, which has gotten recent attention because of scandals at Penn State and Syracuse.

Investigators have been on the Penn State campus for a Clery Act investigation into whether the university failed to report incidents of sexual abuse in connection to allegations against former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky. An Education Department spokesman said the department is also reviewing whether a similar investigation will take place at Syracuse. Three men, including two former ballboys, have accused former assistant basketball coach Bernie Fine of molesting them as minors.

In the Virginia Tech case, the rare hearing is expected to last two or three days. It probably won't end with an immediate ruling and further legal challenges could follow. Virginia Tech hasn't indicated it is backing down even though experts say schools found in violation of the law typically accept a fine and agree to changes or negotiate a settlement.

This has attracted great interest in higher education circles, given the high profile nature of the crime and the chance to learn how the department applies the law. The 1990 law was named after Lehigh University student Jeanne Clery, who was raped and murdered in her dorm room by another student in 1986.

During this administration, the Education Department has conducted more random Clery Act audits and has worked at times with the FBI. Six schools this year alone are facing fines, which is the same number that paid fines in the first 18 years of the law, said S. Daniel Carter, director of public policy at Security on Campus Inc., a Wayne, Pa.,-based organization formed by Clery's parents.

The maximum fine per violation under the law is $27,500. Colleges and universities can also lose the right to offer federal student loans, but that's never happened. In the highest fine issued under the Clery Act, Eastern Michigan University agreed in 2008 to pay $350,000 for covering up the rape and killing of a student in her dorm room by telling reporters and her parents there were no signs of foul play.

In the Virginia Tech case, the university opted to exercise its right for an appeals hearing before an Education Department administrative judge. Larry Hincker, a university spokesman, said in an email that the actions taken by Virginia Tech were well within the practices in effect then on campuses.

Virginia's attorney general, Kenneth Cuccinelli, said in a statement earlier this year that the appeal was filed to compel the department to treat Virginia Tech fairly. The university contends the department is holding it to a higher standard than what was in place at the time of the shootings.

"There are important principles and policies at stake here that affect not just Virginia Tech, but colleges and universities all across the country," Cuccinelli said in the statement.

The university is facing charges of failure to issue a timely warning and failure to follow its own procedures for providing notification.

"This case is about responsibility," the Education Department said in a court filing. "Specifically, it's about an institution's responsibility to provide vital information to its students and employees as required by federal law."

The department said the university violated the law by waiting more than two hours after two students were shot to death in a residence hall before sending out a campus wide warning by email. The department said the email was too vague because it mentioned only a "shooting incident" but did not say anyone had died. By that time, student gunman Seung-Hui Cho was chaining shut the doors to a classroom building where he killed 30 more people and then himself.

At the time the email was sent, the university has argued it was believed the two students were shot in an isolated domestic incident and that the shooter had left the campus. The school also contends it had planned a news conference to discuss the residence hall shootings until the later shootings intervened.

"This case is not one in which Virginia Tech was avoiding its responsibilities, but rather one in which it responded in a variety of ways that are permissible under the applicable regulations," the university said in a court filing.

Some family members of the students killed have called the fines woefully inadequate. Suzanne Grimes, whose son Kevin Sterne, was injured in the shootings, is scheduled to testify. She said in a telephone interview that university officials failed in their duty to warn students.

"The families of the deceased have a lifetime of grief and the survivors like my son, Kevin, have a lifetime of injuries and what the future holds for them, as a mother I'm concerned about," Grimes said.

Peter Lake, an education law professor at Stetson University College of Law, said higher education officials believe that what happened at Virginia Tech could happen on any campus. At the same time, university administrators are aware that enforcement of the Clery Act has increased, he said.

"It will be very interesting to see what the arguments are and how they are perceived," Lake said. "I think the field is very much on high alert. They are trying to figure out what's happening next."

While the Virginia Tech hearing may prove instructive for other schools on the Clery Act, a more applicable example on how such cases work involved a review at Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas, Carter said.

The Virginia Tech case focuses on what happened related to a specific incident, while Tarleton State's covered broader issues, which is more typical, Carter said.

The Education Department fined Tarleton State $137,500 in 2009 for allegedly underreporting the number of sexual assaults, burglaries and drug-related crimes on and near the campus between 2002 and 2007. The university appealed.

There wasn't an evidentiary hearing, but after reviewing the evidence, Canellos reduced the fine to $27,500. The case was appealed to Education Secretary Arne Duncan, who has not issued a decision.


Kimberly Hefling can be followed at http://twitter.com/khefling


Associated Press writer Dena Potter in Richmond, Va., contributed to this report.



Virginia Tech University: http://www.vt.edu/

VTV Family Outreach Foundation: http://www.vtvfamilyfoundation.org

Clery Act: http://tinyurl.com/82kvc52

Security on Campus: http://www.securityoncampus.org

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/us/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20111203/ap_on_re_us/us_virginia_tech_shootings

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Citi discussing plan to shuffle Asian managers: WSJ (Reuters)

(Reuters) ? Citigroup Inc (C.N) is discussing a plan to shuffle Asian managers to reassure Japanese regulators as they prepare to sanction the bank for alleged lapses in disclosure related to the sale of financial products, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing people familiar with the situation.

Peter Eliot, Citigroup's country officer and head of its institutional client group in Thailand, is being considered as a possible interim successor to Darren Buckley, the head of Citibank Japan, these people told the newspaper.

Buckley will be reassigned to another post in Asia, the location of which has yet to be decided, the paper said citing the same people.

Della Pietra, Citigroup's general counsel in the Asia Pacific region, may become the chief operating officer of Japan, a newly created position, according to the paper.

No decision had been made yet and plans could still change, the Wall Street Journal said citing the people.

Citigroup has hired the executive search firm Egon Zehnder to help it find a permanent head of its Japanese operations, people familiar with the matter told the paper.

Citigroup declined to comment on Sunday.

The news comes as Japan's Financial Services Agency prepares to issue sanctions against Citigroup. Japan's financial watchdog will likely order the local banking unit of Citigroup to suspend part of its operations for about two weeks as a penalty for allegedly failing to fully explain product risk to customers, the paper said citing a person familiar with the matter.

(Reporting by Dhanya Skariachan, editing by Maureen Bavdek)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/japan/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20111204/bs_nm/us_citi_japan

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Condor recovery program beset by bullets (Providence Journal)

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Billy Graham remains in hospital, up and walking (AP)

ASHEVILLE, N.C. ? Evangelist Billy Graham remains in a North Carolina hospital with pneumonia, but doctors say he's been able to get up and walk around.

A statement from Mission Hospital in Asheville says the 93-year-old Christian leader was able to stand and walk Friday during a physical therapy session.

Dr. Mark Hellreich, a pulmonologist treating Graham, says he's making good clinical progress and looks better since treatment with antibiotics began.

Graham has suffered from several ailments in recent years. He was admitted to the hospital Wednesday night after suffering from congestion, a cough and a slight fever that was later diagnosed as pneumonia.

Graham was able to take meals on Friday sitting in a chair while talking with hospital staff. No discharge date has been set.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/us/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20111202/ap_on_re_us/us_billy_graham_hospitalized

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Online fraudster who helped probe Google gets 70 months prison (Reuters)

CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts (Reuters) ? A man who admitted online fraud and helped federal agents investigate search engine giant Google was sentenced in Rhode Island on Friday to more than five years in jail and ordered to pay $10 million.

David Whitaker, 36, pleaded guilty in 2008 to bilking small businesses and individuals out of millions of dollars through Mixitforme Inc., an online company formed in Rhode Island three years earlier and purporting to sell consumer electronics.

As part of an agreement with prosecutors, Whitaker assisted federal agents in an investigation into Google that led to a $500 million settlement by the company in August. The probe focused on advertisements for prescription drugs that were illegally imported into the United States from Canada.

"He played a significant role in that investigation," said Jim Martin, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's office in Rhode Island, without describing exactly how Whitaker was able to help prosecutors.

Whitaker was sentenced to 70 months in prison and ordered to pay victims more than $10 million, including $7.8 million to various businesses and $2.2 million to a credit card processing company, Martin said.

Whitaker, originally from Bristol, Tennessee, had been charged with wire fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, money laundering and commercial bribery.

He was arrested in California in 2008 after being expelled from Mexico and was brought to Rhode Island, where he has been held at a detention facility.

Whitaker's attorney, George J. West, said the sentence was "appropriate, and it struck a balance," given his client's "sincere and diligent efforts to try to make amends" by participating in the Google investigation.

West said his client suffered from medical and mental health problems, and that the judge had ordered that he receive treatment. "He's struggled with these things," West said, without elaborating.

(Editing by Michelle Nichols and Cynthia Johnston)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/search/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20111202/wr_nm/us_crime_online

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Nicolas Cage on cover of Serbian biology book


No word on whether kidnapping babies if you can't conceive is covered in this 1998 Serbian biology textbook.

By Gael Fashingbauer Cooper

Yes, that's Nicolas Cage, Holly Hunter, and Little Nathan Junior from the 1987 comedy "Raising Arizona" on the cover of this Serbian eighth-grade biology book.

According to Belgraded, Viktor Markovic's site about Belgrade, Serbia and the Balkans, the book is from 1998, and the movie?photo wasn't on the cover when he used the same book in 1993. Apparently it was added later, with the graphic designer thinking it was just a generic happy family shot.

Happy family indeed. Could any family have been more messed up than that of poor Hi and Edwina McDunnough? After all, they kidnapped baby Nathan after learning that Ed's "insides were a rocky place where (Hi's) seed could find no purchase."

Also, was the designer not bothered by Cage's character's hair? I feel like I want to reach through the photo and smooth it out.

Markovic notes on Belgraded that he spoke to the book's designer, who calls?use of the photo?an honest mistake and says the books were yanked from circulation early, but obviously, some got out.

But really, if the book helped spread word of "Raising Arizona" among kids in Serbia, more power to them. It's got to be one of the most quotable, hilarious films out there.

"I'll be taking these Huggies and whatever cash you got."

"Son, you got a panty on your head."

"These (balloons) blow up into funny shapes and all?" "Well, no, unless round is funny."

Any biology class can benefit from a little Coen Brothers humor.

(Textbook photo used by permission of Twitter user Zekasta.)

"Raising Arizona" -- hilarious, or overrated? Tell us in the comments.

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Source: http://entertainment.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/11/30/9117310-nic-cage-on-cover-of-serbian-biology-book

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Friday, December 2, 2011

American Automotive Artists ? Harlem Center For Dental Care

Given that automotive style is essentially an artistic endeavor, artwork has frequently been part of automotive everyday living. But, for many many years automotive artwork was the item of style studies, style departments of auto companies, or aligned with automotive promoting. Automotive fantastic artwork didn?t exist as being a separate artwork genre. But there have been just a few vehicle lovers who occurred for being artists and appreciated painting autos purely as a result of they cherished the topic make any difference. But for an artist for being profitable, there needs to be a markets. And there have been automotive fans who were interested in shopping for artwork.

So in 1983, a group of six artists obtained invites to screen their performs on the Meadowbrook Concours in Detroit. During this exhibition, these artists chose to form an alliance dedicated to exchanging options and holding present on trends in automotive artwork and and so the Automotive Wonderful Arts Society was born. The artist credited with founding this culture is Ken Eberts who has been its president given that that time. Ken is identified as amongst the world?s leading article automotive fantastic artists. He originally worked while in the style department at Ford Motor Provider. Then in 1968 he embarked on a second career in automotive fantastic artwork. Given that then, his performs have appeared in publications, on Xmas cards, posters, and book covers. Ken also has an interest in architecture and many of his automotive performs include an auto set in opposition to the backdrop of an remarkable constructing.

He is a two-time winner for the Peter Helck Award and therefore the Richard Teague Award for the ?body of job that top exemplifies the spirit for the auto.?

Bill Neale is also a member for the Motor vehicle Wonderful Arts Society. In addition to cars, Bill paints the folks linked using the business for instance drivers and owners. Bill has an aviation background and each autos and airplanes tend to be highlighted in his compositions. Bill?s job has appeared in each of the prestigious automotive publications for instance Road & Track, Auto & Driver, and Motor vehicle Magazine. He has done posters for many Motor vehicle Concours d?Elegance and other auto events for instance the Monterey Historic Races, Houston Classi-Chassis and Carroll Shelby Nationals. He is the poster artist for the Colorado Grand Rally. He is also the recipient of numerous awards from Europe, the United States and South America including the prestigious Peter Helck and Athena awards.

Jim Dietz is another contemporary artist who paints cars. But, Jim is a historical artist who specializes in aviation and military subjects as well as cars. Jim is a graduate for the Art Center College of Structure. He began his career in artwork as an illustrator doing automotive ads, movie posters and book covers. But in 1978 he changed from commercial illustration to historical artwork. In 1997, Dietz won the Stanley Wanlass Award for ?excellence in strength of style and composition echoing the spirit for the automobile? on the Meadow Brook Concours d?Elegance. He also won a Peter Helck Award in 1999 and 2,000 on the Pebble Beach Concours? d?Elegance. In addition, he has obtained numerous other awards for his ingilo aviation and www.commentmaigrirvite.org military artwork. Like Neale and Eberts, he represents the top of a new genre in artwork.

Source: http://www.harlemcenterfordentalcare.com/american-automotive-artists/

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