Monday, October 29, 2012

Barbecue Champ ? Barbecue Sauce Recipe ? BBQ Sauce Recipe ...


Barbecue Champ - Barbecue Sauce Recipe - BBQ Sauce Recipe - Best BBQ Sauce RecipeClick Image To Visit SiteStop what you?re doing and listen very closely? ? because everything you?ve been told about championship barbecue recipes is about to be proven wrong?

? dead wrong. You probably don?t believe that right now, and that?s fine. In just a moment you?ll see completely and utterly undeniable PROOF.

I Didn?t Use Old Family Secrets, bribe the judges, have inside connections, or use the Techniques Everyone Else Is Talking About! I use real tactics that real champions use and I win practically every time!

A ?Teenage Kid? With NO Prior Skills Or Experience Applied The SAME secrets I?m about to reveal to you And Went On To Win 5 first place trophies and 2 second place trophies his first year!

And Once You Download my book your mind will do flips at the things you never knew about real competition barbecue recipes, you will kick yourself in the butt for using your old basic methods all of these years and grilling average barbecue!

If you?re ?trying? to make championship quality barbecue? grass-root, beginner, intermediate or advanced ? throw away ALL those old basic cookbooks you?ve bought over the years and read very carefully. I can?t help you if you want the latest fad tips.

But what I can do for you today is ? reveal a system in ?absolute? detail, ? that once you apply, you will never go back to the traditional ways of grilling ever again. With this system, there are NO RULES, red tape and hardly anybody that can compete?

Because once you start using THIS system ? the championship barbecue trophies are going to add up so fast you?re going to have to build a set of showpiece shelves just to house the massive beauties!

If you?re up to your eye balls with all those false promises and generic cookbooks? then just imagine the look on your face when you win your first barbecue championship. Do you think you?ll be smiling?

Date: March 19, 2011 From the backyard of Jason Jones

Is it really worth your time to read this page? Will you finally get the secret answer you?ve been searching high and low for?

Well let me be frank with you ? to be successful and win barbecue championships? all you really need is My System and Will Power. PERIOD!!

So, I?m not going to sit here and talk to you like a child ? you?re already smart enough to figure out, you need some inside tips. I?m not talking about a measly recipe, 10 or even 20. No. I?m talking about the kind of stuff that people keep in the family and never tell no matter what.

No matter what stage you are at with your barbecue skills, whether you?re an absolute beginner or have 50 trophies sitting around your fireplace? you need to read every word on this page.

As what I?m about to unleash right before your very eyes will win you a lot of barbecue contests if you actually use it, and it?s unlike anything you have ever seen before. This is the REAL deal!

I will reveal ONE SIMPLE ?SECRET? that will literally make ALL the problems you?ve encountered while barbecuing to this very day Vanish.

I?m going to reveal a ?detailed?, step-by-step systematic solution that will bring YOU a LOT of BARBECUE CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHIES which in effect will bring you alot of RESPECT and BRAGGING RIGHTS too. I will take you from the position you are at right now to a level where you once thought was an impossible dream.

I?m 100% certain that once you apply MY SYSTEM you will never turn back to any ?traditional? methods ever again.

Oh yeah, and one other huge benefit is? there is SERIOUS cash to be Won and Made with Killer Barbecue, and for it to happen you NEED MY SYSTEM.

There?s no question about it. To win barbecue championships you need to know my secrets and after you apply my system?

That wasn?t a misprint as I have won over 70 barbecue trophies across the United States in the last 2 years. I?ve won barbecue contests in the South, the East, the West, the Midwest, you name it.

I?ve also tried using the conventional ways of barbecuing, using conventional barbecue recipes and techniques? and EACH ONE wasn?t good enough to consistently win 1st place barbecue trophies without a lot of luck and a lot of hassle.

Do you have any idea how sick and tired I was after months and months on end, using these techniques ?COMBINED?, just to win a couple second and third place barbecue trophies?

But that?s not all? do you know how many hoops you have to jump through, red tape and rules you?re suppose to follow using the typical boring methods? Here?s a small set of problems you?ll encounter?

The number of rules you have to follow and the endless hours of work you have to do is ?unbelievable? to say the least. But what did you expect? An easy route?

I?ve tried all the so called secret bbq recipes with average results. I?ve bought book after book, guide after guide, and watched show after show, and hey I?ve learned a few things here and there, but?

Right up until late 2008, when things quickly began to change for me. My tiring quest for answers finally paid off as I began to uncover the TRUTH behind making the best barbecue recipes in the world? and it had nothing to do with the usual hard work and usual old methods they?ve been shoving down your throat either.

And since that revelation hit me, everything changed. I had a life ?makeover?. I became a new person.

Then I was bombarded ? by every person that had ever heard of me, not just from the barbecue competition crowd, but also from hundreds of backyard cooks, spectators, and even multi-national companies.

They all wanted to know my secrets? how the heck was I able to win competition after competition? How was I able to dominate? Read more?

Related Reading:

NEW, Set of Two (2) 14½-Inch Long, Grill Spatula, Turner Spatula, Barbecue BBQ Spatula, Solid Stainless Steel, Flexible Blades, Riveted Smooth Wood Handle, Commercial Grade, One Perforated Face Spatual and One Solid Face SpatulaNEW, Set of Two (2) 14?-Inch Long, Grill Spatula, Turner Spatula, Barbecue BBQ Spatula, Solid Stainless Steel, Flexible Blades, Riveted Smooth Wood Handle, Commercial Grade, One Perforated Face Spatual and One Solid Face SpatulaThese commercial grade turners feature a stainless steel blade, brass rivets and smooth easy to grip wood handles.

Price reflects a set of TWO.

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Friday, October 26, 2012

'Don't Know Much About the American Presidents': Kenneth C. Davis reveals strange facts about America's leaders

George Washington breaking the law? The president with the most corrupt presidential administration in American history? Writer Kenneth C. Davis discusses surprising facts about our past leaders.

By Erik Spanberg / October 24, 2012

Kenneth C. Davis's book, 'Don't Know Much About the American Presidents,' is a follow-up to 'Don't Know Much' titles that examine general history, the Bible, and the Civil War.


Did you know that Americans didn?t start voting for president on the same day until 1845? Or that George Washington wasn?t our nation?s first president? Another Virginian, Peyton Randolph, a longtime member of the House of Burgesses, won an election as the first president of the Continental Congress in 1774, succeeded by a baker?s dozen of leaders before the ascension of Washington to the presidency as we know it.

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What about the presidential origins of the word ?okay?? Thank Martin Van Buren, whose birthplace of Old Kinderhook, N.Y., in initials, made way for okay. Or OK, if you prefer.

Did you know that Jimmy Carter was our first president born in a hospital? Or that, 225 years ago during the debates that led to the creation of the commander-in-chief, the job ?was being invented by men who didn?t necessarily think that having a president was such a great idea??

The latter quote comes from the pen of Kenneth C. Davis, a man known to millions of readers for posing endless questions and then answering them with detailed but snappy historical facts and anecdotes. This accidental historian, nudged by his wife into writing while working at a bookstore, burst on to bestseller lists in 1990 with ?Don?t Know Much About History,? a pop history confection that spawned a series of similar titles on geography, the Bible, and the Civil War.

The latest entry, "Don?t Know Much About the American Presidents," follows the popular formula Davis established throughout the series. He offers the basic cornerstones ? biographies of each president, important legislation and decisions, controversies and scandals ? along with all manner of Oval Office bric-a-brac, starting with origins of the Oval Office itself, which was built during the administration of William Howard Taft (who weighed 300 pounds and still ranks as the heaviest president in history), but never described as the Oval Office until the days of FDR.

Beyond history and historical oddities, Davis weaves in memorable quotes from the presidents and supplies extensive lists of essential reading and websites for those wanting to learn more about various presidents and aspects of the presidency.

As the nation stands on the cusp of Election Day, following a 220-year tradition that formally began with Washington in 1789, Davis is happy to remind us of how we, and POTUS (that would be the President of the United States), got here. Following are excerpts from a recent conversation Davis had with the Monitor on mudslinging campaigns, overlooked presidencies and more.

In the introduction, you mention a school project from 1963 about the presidents and your admiration for JFK. Is he still your favorite president?

I would not say he?s my favorite president. The history behind that ... and I?m actually holding it in my hands as we speak, this piece of art, as I call it, from 1963, my third-grade school project. I did go to the Holmes School in Mount Vernon, New York, of course named for Washington?s famous plantation and, obviously, when I was nine years old, I was still thinking about this stuff. Of course, October 1963 was a month before the world changed for all of us in the loss of Kennedy.

When I look back at this [childhood] book, which I wrote 49 years ago, it?s funny because I did ask questions from the first page. So I was obviously interested in information about history from a young age. And I say this very, very seriously, I also have on my desk a toy wooden revolver that I was given as a souvenir from going to Gettysburg in the summer of 1963.


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Monday, October 15, 2012

Syria bans Turkish flights from airspace: report


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Beau Biden Defends Father's VP Debate Performance

Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden defended his father Vice President Joe Biden's debate performance, saying his laughter and facial expressions did not undermine the substance of his comments at last week's debate.

"I'm happy to defend my dad. I don't think he needs any defensiveness. Any time the other side - Karl Rove or folks on the far right - are going after my father for smiling too much, you know that's a victory," Beau Biden told me this morning on "This Week." "My father spoke clearly to the American people about the facts, and you saw him do that for 90 minutes straight."

"This isn't, Jake, about how much my father smiled or how many gallons of water that the congressman drank nervously on that stage," Biden quipped. "It's about talking directly to the American people about very important facts."

Biden charged Republican vice presidential nominee Rep. Paul Ryan with not being "up to speed on foreign policy," criticizing Ryan for his comments during the debate on troop levels in Afghanistan.

"You had him suggest, if not open the door, to put additional troops in Afghanistan. So it was a remarkable position to take," Biden said. "It demonstrated, I think, that, you know, the congressman is not quite up to speed on foreign policy as you might want a would-be vice president to be."

"The point that I heard and the American people heard is that you heard my father clearly articulate that we wouldn't have forces in Afghanistan by 2014," Biden added, "and you've seen here the congressman equivocate on that, in fact, not be willing to guarantee the American people that we wouldn't have forces in Afghanistan."

Beau Biden also defended Vice President Biden for saying at the debate that "we did not know they wanted more security again," regarding American officials in Libya requesting more security before the attack that killed four Americans at the consulate in Benghazi last month.

The Obama administration said the vice president was referring to the White House not knowing about the security request, despite the State Department being notified. "He was speaking for himself and the president, as you heard Jay Carney tell you in the briefing room just the other day," Beau Biden said.

Biden criticized the Romney campaign for politicizing the Libya issue, saying "These are folks that seem to be more interested in kind of pounding their chest to make the neoconservatives who advise them proud than they are about being serious about foreign policy and protecting our national interests around the world."

"This is a tragedy when we lose an ambassador and three other personnel," Biden said. "This is not a moment in time where we should be politicizing these issues? And the idea that Romney and Ryan are suggesting that the President of the United States doesn't take seriously the security of our diplomats and Foreign Service officers around the world I find absolutely outrageous."

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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Achieve operational efficiency with Handifox Inventory management ...

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Equipped with the best features and functions, Handifox promises to meet all inventory management and sales management requirements of business organizations. Designed and developed by Tecom Group, Handifox provides the most comprehensive inventory management solutions to the clients. With its intuitive interface on an easy-to-use mobile platform, Handifox makes it easier for small businesses to control each and every aspect of inventory and sales management.

Using the right inventory management software can go a long way when it comes to minimizing wastages and increasing the profitability of a business. With so many stock management software available, choosing the right software may prove to be a difficult task. It?s important for a business organization to understand its specific requirements and choose the right software that can provide the desired results. Handifox stands out with its robust set of features and easy-to-use interface. With its excellent functionality, the software can prove to be of immense help when it comes to increasing operational transparency and cutting costs.

Handifox Inventory Management System and Handifox Sales Management System offered by Tecom Group are designed to meet all inventory planning and sales management requirements of companies. Both products have their own advantages and choosing the right products depends on the specific requirements of a business. Designed for Quickbooks users, the two software automate the entire inventory movement and sales management process thereby providing operational efficiency and reducing wastages. Handifox business inventory software is easy to work with handheld units and significantly decreases the time spent on inventory counts. Handifox Sales Management software quickly creates professional and accurate sales orders and accurately tracks invoice payments. With a plethora of other advantages, the two products have gained immense popularity in the market.

Handifox Inventory Management and Sales Software for QuickBooks have been developed by Tecom Group Inc., a privately held engineering services and product company. The company specializes in development of mobile tracking software, handheld computer systems for wholesale distributor applications. Working with a team of highly-qualified engineers, the company ensures that the best products are created and delivered to the clients. Top-quality products developed by the company are used in wholesale/ distribution, clothing and apparel, consumer goods, food and beverage, automotive parts and supply, medical and healthcare and other industries. Warehouse systems, inventory tracking software and asset management solutions developed by the company are ideal for small businesses.

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Saturday, October 13, 2012

[WATCH]: Universal Storm Creatine Supplement Review

Rating: 4



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Plastic Surgery Treatment: As a Good Solution for Various Skin ...

Popularity of plastic surgery

Today, everyone is aware of the term ?plastic surgery? since it is getting huge popularity as one of the fabulous gift of the science and technology among people. In this modern and technical age plastic surgery has brought a great revolution and most of the people are taking interest to get to know more about it to make an exotic experiment on their personality. And for this, they seek the recommendations or suggestions of the expert and experienced plastic surgeons, who ensure them with the result oriented cosmetic surgery treatment. Now, both of the sexes (men and women) to abolish the signs of aging and get a new look immensely make their way to the plastic surgeons.

Best ways to know about the plastic surgery

If you are thinking to have a change on you looks or make experiment with your personality, then you need to take the suggestions of the minimum two or three expert and specialized plastic surgeons. Internet is another good way to know more about the available cosmetic surgery treatments for specific skin issue. For this, you can explore various portals at the online platform that scatter good information about any particular surgery treatments. These days, you can see numbers of websites providing important information about the cosmetic surgery.


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Tom Hanks to make his Broadway debut next year

NEW YORK (AP) ? Tom Hanks will play a gutsy New York City newspaper columnist when he makes his debut on Broadway in the spring.

Producers of Nora Ephron's play "Lucky Guy" announced Thursday that Hanks will play Mike McAlary in the stage biography. Hanks, a two-time Oscar winner, had been in negotiations for the role when Ephron died this summer.

Previews begin March 1 at the Broadhurst Theatre and an opening night is set for April 1.

McAlary, the city's one-time dominant tabloid reporter, got the first interview with Abner Louima, a Haitian immigrant who was sodomized and beaten by white police officers at a station house in 1997. McAlary would win the Pulitzer Prize the next year but would die of cancer a few months later at age 41.

The director of "Lucky Guy" will be George C. Wolfe.

In June, lead producer Colin Callender said his team could "think of no more fitting tribute to her extraordinary writing and remarkable body of work" than to proceed with plans to produce Ephron's play.

Hanks is the star of such films as "Splash," ''Forrest Gump," ''Philadelphia," ''Sleepless in Seattle," ''Apollo 13" and "Saving Private Ryan."

Ephron, who died June 26 at age 71, gained recognition as the writer of films such as "When Harry Met Sally" and "Sleepless in Seattle," which starred Hanks.

McAlary, who worked at both the New York Daily News and The New York Post, has already been the subject of a play ? Dan Klores' "The Wood," which opened off-Broadway at the Rattlestick Playwrights Theatre last year. He was said to be the inspiration for the character played by Randy Quaid in Ron Howard's "The Paper."




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Tour would vacate titles if UCI strips Armstrong

AAA??Oct. 12, 2012?10:56 AM ET
Tour would vacate titles if UCI strips Armstrong

FILE-This Sept. 30, 2012 file photo shows David Zabriskie from the United States competes in the men's elite time trial at the World Road Championships in Geelong, Australia. After joining the U.S. Postal squad, Zabriskie broke his vow never to take drugs himself. He testified that team manager Johan Bruyneel, the brains behind Armstrong's assaults on the Tour, pushed him to dope with EPO and that a team doctor, Luis Garcia del Moral, administered his first shot of the blood-boosting hormone, in Spain in 2003. (AP Photo/Andrew Brownbill, File)

FILE-This Sept. 30, 2012 file photo shows David Zabriskie from the United States competes in the men's elite time trial at the World Road Championships in Geelong, Australia. After joining the U.S. Postal squad, Zabriskie broke his vow never to take drugs himself. He testified that team manager Johan Bruyneel, the brains behind Armstrong's assaults on the Tour, pushed him to dope with EPO and that a team doctor, Luis Garcia del Moral, administered his first shot of the blood-boosting hormone, in Spain in 2003. (AP Photo/Andrew Brownbill, File)

FILE - This March 21, 2009 file photo shows Lance Armstrong, of the United States, beside fellow countryman George Hincapie, left, during the Milan-San Remo cycling classic?in San Remo, Italy. The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency says 11 of Lance Armstrong's former teammates testified against him in its investigation of the cyclist, revealing "the most sophisticated, professionalized and successful doping program that sport has ever seen." (AP Photo/Alessandro Trovati)

President of the International Cycling Union Pat McQuaid speaks during an interview after the fourth stage of the Tour of Beijing in Beijing, Friday, Oct. 12, 2012. McQuaid has defended his organization's efforts to catch drug cheats in the wake of a damning report on Lance Armstrong's doping practices. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

International Cycling Union President Pat McQuaid listens during an interview after the fourth stage of the Tour of Beijing in Beijing Friday, Oct. 12, 2012. McQuaid has defended his organization's efforts to catch drug cheats in the wake of a damning report on Lance Armstrong's doping practices. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

President of the International Cycling Union Pat McQuaid stands on the podium during an award ceremony for the fourth stage of the Tour of Beijing in Beijing, Friday, Oct. 12, 2012. McQuaid defended his organization's efforts to catch drug cheats in the wake of a damning report on Lance Armstrong's doping practices. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

(AP) ? Tour de France director Christian Prudhomme says the race will have no winner if the International Cycling Union goes along with American officials' ruling to strip Lance Armstrong of his seven titles from 1999-2005.

Prudhomme says this week's U.S. Anti-Doping Agency report on Armstrong is "damning" and calls into question "a system and an era."

The cycling union, which governs the sport internationally, has less than three weeks to decide whether to appeal USADA's decision to ban Armstrong for life and erase his racing results.

In China on Friday, UCI President Pat McQuaid refused to comment on the USADA report, which offers the rationale for its ruling in the Armstrong case. The document portrays the cyclist as a doper who pressured teammates to also take performance-enhancing drugs.

Associated Press


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Friday, October 12, 2012

Paul Ryan's Diet and Fitness vs. Joe Biden's Diet and Fitness

As vice presidential candidates Paul Ryan and Joe Biden battle for the country?s vote, we are looking at the politicians in a different light ? that of their physical fitness and personal diets. Will the person who can do the most pushups be the best as second-in-command? Maybe not, but it does say something about them, however you may interpret it.

Congressman Ryan, 42, is well-known for his love of exercise. He is a devotee of P90X workouts, the high intensity DVD program developed by Tony Horton, frequently leading sessions in the capitol?s gym. The grueling sessions range from 60 to 90 minutes, combining cardio workouts, weight training, yoga, and stretching for an extensive training routine that really pushes your body.

Ryan?s rumored six-pack abs have had their own set of scrutiny, with more Google searches of ?Paul Ryan shirtless? than ?Paul Ryan budget? after the announcement in August that he was running alongside Romney. Out of college, he worked as a personal trainer and enjoys as sport skiing and hiking. If catfish noodling counts as a sport, he does that, too.

Ryan reports that he is six-foot-two, 163 pounds, and keeps his body fat between 6 and 8 percent. To maintain his lean physique, his diet doesn?t include many indulgences. While other politicians on the campaign trail cave to the offerings of greasy meals, fried foods, and sweets, Ryan politely declines. He rarely eats desserts, but when he does make a stop at the ice cream shop he chooses a soft serve cone. He says his worst habit is his daily two cups of coffee. What?s lesser known is that Ryan is concerned about his health in part because his father died of a heart attack when Ryan was 16, and his grandfather and great-grandfather also died of heart disease. He?s determined not to share that fate.

Joe Biden is less enthusiastic about food and diet, but the 69-year-old keeps himself in shape despite a workload helping to manage the country. He likes running, biking, and strengthening his core. He played football in high school and college, admittedly enjoying the sport much more than his studies. Nowadays, he mainly sticks to?gym workouts, including lifting weights and dropping by the Senate gym with his old colleagues when he has time.

Biden?s favorite cuisine is Italian, and pasta is his favorite dish. When dining out at an Italian restaurant close to his home, he reportedly often orders penne with tomato sauce and basil. He is much more likely than Ryan to indulge in whatever scrumptious food is offered to him on the campaign trail. He says time with his five grandchildren helps keep him spry.

Whoever wins the title of the next vice president is sure to make their health a priority. Good fitness and nutrition practices help cut down on sick days, boost mental clarity, and improve mood and energy levels. The vice president needs all of these things and more, so it?s good to see this year?s candidates giving important consideration to their well-being.

Also Read:

Battle of the Biceps: Between Obama and Romney, Who?s Healthier?

Mitt Romney?s Meatloaf Recipe vs. Obama?s Chili Recipe

President Obama Fit at 50

Ryan image via FoxNews; Biden via

October 11th, 2012


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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Giants beat Reds in 10th, cut NLDS deficit to 2-1

Cincinnati Reds third baseman Scott Rolen throws to first base after fielding a ground ball hit by San Francisco Giants' Joaquin Arias in the 10th inning during Game 3 of the National League division baseball series, Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012, in Cincinnati. Rolen was charged with an error on the play allowing Buster Posey to score. The Giants won 2-1 in the 10th inning to cut their playoff deficit to 2-1. (AP Photo/Michael Keating)

Cincinnati Reds third baseman Scott Rolen throws to first base after fielding a ground ball hit by San Francisco Giants' Joaquin Arias in the 10th inning during Game 3 of the National League division baseball series, Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012, in Cincinnati. Rolen was charged with an error on the play allowing Buster Posey to score. The Giants won 2-1 in the 10th inning to cut their playoff deficit to 2-1. (AP Photo/Michael Keating)

Cincinnati Reds starting pitcher Homer Bailey throws against the San Francisco Giants in the first inning during Game 3 of the National League division baseball series, Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012, in Cincinnati. (AP Photo/Al Behrman)

A Cincinnati Reds fan holds a sign supporting starting pitcher Homer Bailey prior to Game 3 of the National League division baseball series against the San Francisco Giants, Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012, in Cincinnati. (AP Photo/Al Behrman)

Cincinnati Reds manager Dusty Baker watches from the dugout in the first inning during Game 3 of the National League division baseball series against the San Francisco Giants, Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012, in Cincinnati. (AP Photo/Al Behrman)

Former Cincinnati Reds pitcher Tom Browning throws out the ceremonial first pitch prior to Game 3 of the National League division baseball series against the San Francisco Giants, Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012, in Cincinnati. (AP Photo/Al Behrman)

(AP) ? Joaquin Arias hit a grounder toward third base and took off, covering those 90 feet in a blink as a full-to-capacity ballpark went silent with angst.

Which would get there first, the infielder or the ball? Who would win the decisive playoff dash?

"That's the fastest I've ever run to first," Arias said.

Fast enough to extend the San Francisco Giants' season one more day.

Reds third baseman Scott Rolen bobbled the short-hop, giving Arias enough time to beat the throw as the go-ahead run scored for a 2-1 victory Tuesday night that avoided an NL division series sweep.

Hardly able to get a hit the last two games, the Giants turned a passed ball and a misplayed grounder into a win that cut their series deficit to 2-1 and extended Cincinnati's 17 years of home postseason futility.

"These are the type of games we've played all season long," said Sergio Romo, who pitched the last two innings for the win. "We are a gritty and grinding team."

And, with their season on the line, a little lucky, too.

"We got a break there at the end," manager Bruce Bochy said.

Left-hander Barry Zito will pitch Game 4 on Wednesday for the Giants, who have won the last 11 times he started. The Reds have to decide whether to try ace Johnny Cueto, forced out of the opener in San Francisco on Saturday with spasms in his back and side.

Manager Dusty Baker said after the game that they hadn't decided whether to let Cueto try it, bring back Mat Latos on short rest again, or replace Cueto with Mike Leake, who wasn't on the division series roster.

Switching out Cueto would leave the Reds ace ineligible to pitch in the championship series should the Reds get that far.

"It's very difficult, but it all depends on if your ace can't go or whatever it is," Baker said. "That's part of the conversation ? us going without him. We realize what's at stake."

They were hoping to avoid having to make that choice. One grounder forced the issue.

The Giants managed only three hits against Homer Bailey and the Reds bullpen, but got two of them in the 10th ? along with a passed ball by Ryan Hanigan ? to pull it out. San Francisco won despite striking out 16 times.

Rolen, an eight-time Gold Glove winner, couldn't cleanly come up with Arias' grounder, which put him in a tough position.

"I've gone through the play many times in my mind between then and now, and I think I would play it the same way," Rolen said. "It hit my glove. I just couldn't get it to stick."

The Reds haven't won a home playoff game since 1995, the last time they reached the NL championship series. One win away from making it back there, they couldn't beat a Giants team that has barely been able to get a hit.

San Francisco got only two hits while losing 9-0 on Sunday night, setting up that 2-0 deficit in the series. The Giants had only one single in seven innings off Homer Bailey, making his first start at Great American Ball Park since his Sept. 28 no-hitter in Pittsburgh.

Fortunately for the Giants, Bailey's one lapse led to a run. He hit a batter, walked another and gave up a sacrifice fly by Angel Pagan in the third inning.

That was it until the 10th, with the Giants going down swinging ? the Reds set a season high with 16 strikeouts. Closer Aroldis Chapman got a pair of strikeouts on 100 mph fastballs during a perfect ninth inning, keeping it tied at 1.

San Francisco's one-hit wonders finally got it going against Jonathan Broxton, who gave up leadoff singles by Buster Posey ? the NL batting champion ? and Hunter Pence, who pulled his left calf on a wild swing before getting his hit.

With two outs, Hanigan couldn't come up with a pitch, letting the runners advance. Moments later, Cincinnati's chance for a sweep was over.

Instead, a Reds team that lost a lot ? closer Ryan Madson in spring training, top hitter Joey Votto for six weeks at midseason, Baker for the NL Central clincher, Cueto in the first inning of the first playoff game ? ended up with another playoff loss at home.

Baker was back in the home dugout at Great American for the first time in nearly a month, recovered from an irregular heartbeat and a mini-stroke. After a pregame ovation, he settled in his red folding chair with a toothpick on his lips.

The 63-year-old manager watched his pitching staff dominate again, but fail to get that breakthrough win. This time, the offense came up short, getting only four hits.

Cincinnati hasn't won a home playoff game since beating the Dodgers 10-1 at Riverfront Stadium for a three-game division sweep in the 1995 NLDS. They then got swept by Atlanta.

They didn't get back to the playoffs again until 2010, when they got no-hit by Roy Halladay and swept by the Phillies in the opening round.

The second-largest crowd in Great American history was still getting the hang of playoff rooting. A video board message instructed the 44,501 fans not to wave white rally towels while the Reds were in the field ? could be distracting.

Didn't take long to get those towels twirling. Brandon Phillips led off with a single, but was thrown out at third when he tried to advance on a ball that got away from Posey. It was costly ? the Reds went on to score on a walk and a pair of singles, including Jay Bruce's RBI hit to right.

The Reds got only one more hit the rest of the way.

NOTES: The game started 3 minutes late because a sign-waving fan ran onto the field. He was tackled by police in center field. ... Giants avoided their third playoff sweep in franchise history. ... The Giants haven't lost three in a row since they dropped five straight from July 25-30. ... Tom Browning, who pitched the Reds' previous no-hitter ? a perfect game against the Dodgers in 1988 ? threw the ceremonial pitch. ... Bailey fanned six in a row, matching the Reds' postseason record. ... The only larger crowd at GABP was for the 2010 playoff game against Philadelphia.


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Associated Press


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People clamour for the open bookcases of Downton castle ...

Downton Abbey has brought unexpected fortune to the cash-strapped owners of Highclere Castle, where the series was filmed, with the public flocking to view the antique cabinets, Open Bookcases and artworks they see on TV.

Standing on the foundations of a mediaeval palace, Highclere has been home to the Earls of Carnarvon since 1679. The original house has been remodelled several times and exists today as an imposing Victorian masterpiece, rebuilt by Sir Charles Barry in an Italianate ?Jacobethan? castle.

Just as with stately homes in the Ribble Valley, antique dining chairs and Renaissance wall-hangings take a lot of upkeep, as do the walls themselves, and until recently the Carnarvons? were battling to make ends meet. Despite opening the castle and grounds to the public, and hiring rooms for private functions and conferences, Highclere was simply not paying its way ? that was until family friend Julian Fellowes decided to use it as the setting for his fictional Downton Abbey. He felt the castle truly epitomised the soaring confidence of Edwardian England, giving the state rooms and their furniture a central role in the production.

Downton has been an unprecedented success, not least for the Carnarvons. Suddenly, people are clamouring to see the rococo Victorian dining chairs of the State Drawing Room and antique bookcases of the double library for real; so much so that a timed ticketing system was introduced to cope with the numbers.

Those interested can create the Downton Effect in their own home ? by buying an antique dining table and matching Victorian balloon backed dining chairs from a Lancashire antique dealer.

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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hezbollah buries fighter, sources say was killed in Syria

BEIRUT (Reuters) - A senior military Hezbollah figure was buried in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley after he was killed, local sources said, near a Syrian border town where rebels are battling President Bashar al-Assad, an ally of the Shi'ite Muslim militant group.

Syrian rebels have frequently accused the Lebanese Hezbollah of supporting Assad's forces battling the 18-month-old uprising, saying Hezbollah fighters have been deployed mainly along the frontier inside Syria.

A statement on Hezbollah's website said "the martyr leader Ali Hussein Nassif (who) died while performing his jihad duties" was buried on Monday in Baalbek, the main town in the northern Bekaa Valley that is a stronghold of the Shi'ite militants.

Hezbollah gave no details about Nassif's death but sources in Baalbek said he and two other Hezbollah men were killed near a Syrian border town where rebels are fighting Assad's forces.

They said the three died when a rocket hit the room where they were staying. They did not say what happened to the bodies of the other two men.

Syrian rebels in the area where Nassif is believed to have been killed have not claimed responsibility for any attack on Hezbollah in recent days.

The website of Hezbollah's political foes, known as March 14, said Nassif and a number of other Hezbollah fighters died on Sunday when Syrian rebels ambushed their convoy near al-Qusair.

Syria's uprising, which started off as peaceful demonstrations for reform, has transformed into an armed insurgency by mainly Sunni Muslim rebels trying to overthrow Assad, from the Alawite minority close to Shi'ite Islam.

The rebels are supported by Sunni regional powers including Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and have attracted Islamist fighters from across the Middle East to their cause. Assad is supported by his main regional allies Iran and Hezbollah.

Activists say more than 30,000 people have been killed, including 7,000 soldiers and members of the security forces, since protests first broke out in March last year.

(Reporting by Dominic Evans; Editing by Mark Heinrich)


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Monday, October 1, 2012

5 Oily Hair Myths Debunked

There are many oily hair myths that you may have heard over the years. Some of them may be partially true while some are just pure invention. You may have also friends, relatives and even strangers who often give you wrong advice about your hair. It is often people who have never had an oily hair problem who start a rumor about it.

So what are some of the perennial myths about oily hair?

1. An oily hair shampoo can solve your problem.

This is the first advice that anyone gives you when you complain about oily hair. In fact there are many causes and factors that produce an abnormally oily hair and no shampoo can solve all of them. You need to first identify the main cause of your oily hair, and don't go for a medicinal shampoo until you discuss it with your health care practitioner. A lot of chemicals inside the shampoos can actually hurt your scalp skin and make the problem harder to solve. Try to use a shampoo that has fewer chemicals and use some homemade natural remedies for at least a few months.

2. Washing daily is ok if you have oily hair

This is one of the most-known hair-care myths that have been circulating around offline and online. It is easy to see why this has been widely promoted by the shampoo and conditioner industry. Almost all women's magazines have promoted this myth at least one time in their articles. At the end you will also get suggestions of hair products and shampoos for oily hair.

Washing your hair every day and even every 2 days can lead to very oily hair and to a scalp that is stripped of natural oil and nutrients. Eventually, your hair will start getting oily 5 minutes after you get out of the shower and you don't want to end up washing it 2-3 times a day. The scalp produces sebum or hair oil for nourishment and protection. If it is already producing it in excess, washing it daily will only make the problem worse. Try to wash it 2 times a week and use all the aforementioned remedies to treat the oily hair condition.

3. Diet has nothing to do with oily hair

These are the ones telling you that you can't treat yourself by eating healthy food and that hair has nothing to do with diet because it is dead. This is obviously not true. Everything that we eat, drink, breathe and feel influences our overall health. It is well known that major stress leads to hair loss. So if our emotional health can influence our hair, why can't the food that we eat do? Hair is mostly made out of a specific protein named keratin. It is also made out of 15% water. Drinking water and eating food that provides the necessary minerals and vitamin for hair production is essential for its health. Eating lots of processed foods that contain hydrogenated oils and preservatives will make your scalp oilier and your hair less healthy. Trans-fats produce a lot of unwanted hormonal changes in your body that can lead to acne, oily hair and other problems. The best foods for hair are those containing lots of iron and fat soluble vitamins, like fruits and vegetables, nuts, eggs and meat.

4. Use a dry shampoo if you have oily hair

The using of dry shampoo has become more and more popular because it acts easy and fast on your hair. It has been recommended for people with oily hair as an alternative for washing too often. However, it should be noted that dry shampoos have a lot of chemicals and that they need lots of friction to remove the oil from the hair. Also, it doesn't clean your hair, even though it might look clean. Dry shampoo removes hair oil but can make your hair dull and it surely doesn't cure oily hair. It just temporarily makes it less oily. Another issue with dry shampoo is the fact that it contains many chemicals, some with names that can't even be pronounced, so their effects on skin and hair are yet to be determined. If you need a quick dry solution for hair emergencies just use corn flour to absorb the oil in the same way you would use dry shampoo. It is cheap and doesn't hurt skin and hair.

5. Dyeing your hair makes it less oily

This is partially true for some types of scalp skin and hair due to the chemicals contained in hair die that can make your scalp skin dry. However you shouldn't dye your hair just to make it less greasy. If your hair is excessively oily, any other chemicals that you add to it can have disastrous long-term effects. You don't want to have ruined hair that is also greasy, so if you really want to dye your hair, do it after you solve the oiliness issue.

Always be careful which hair products you use on a daily basis. There are no quick fixes that solve oily hair instantly. There are many remedies that are both inexpensive and natural that can treat oily hair, but perseverance and consistency is needed, at least for a few months.

"What To Do About Oily Hair" is a Great online resource for oily hair and scalp care. Find out What To Do About Oily Hair by following of the natural, herbal or homemade remedies or using the recommended haircare products featured on my website


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Labour to impose "real" bank split if elected - Miliband

MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - Labour leader Ed Miliband launched an offensive against banks on Sunday ahead of his party's annual conference, promising a "real separation" of retail and investment banking and to raise the top rate of personal income tax.

The Conservative-Lib Dem coalition government has said it will implement the recommendations of an independent review by Oxford University economist John Vickers into how banks should be structured in the wake of the global credit crisis.

But critics, including Vickers, have lamented the watering down of some of the proposals - including the definition of the ring fence between retail and investment arms and the ratio of loans to capital that banks can hold on their books.

Britain's banks - including Barclays, RBS, Lloyds and HSBC - will have until 2019 to make the changes with the government committed to write the new rules into law by 2015.

Labour accuses the government of caving in to fierce lobbying by the financial sector.

"Either they can do it themselves - which frankly is not what has happened over the past year - or the next Labour government will, by law, break up retail and investment banks," Miliband said.

"The banks and the government can change direction and say that they are going to implement the spirit and principle of Vickers to the full - that means the hard ring-fence between retail and investment banking. We need real separation, real culture change. Or we will legislate."

Some in the Conservative-led government had been concerned that punishing the financial sector could damage the competitiveness of the City of London, a major global financial centre, and potentially harm a crucial part of Britain's recession-hit economy.

Miliband's warning to the banks comes ahead of his party's annual conference in the northern English city of Manchester, where he is under pressure to explain to voters how it would govern if elected in 2015.

Miliband, who replaced former prime minister Gordon Brown as Labour leader after that defeat, has struggled to make a good impression on voters so far. While opinion polls show Labour would win an election tomorrow, his own personal approval ratings languish below those of Prime Minister David Cameron.

Seeking to capitalise on a perception of Cameron's government as too friendly to the wealthy in an era of austerity, Miliband said Labour would reverse a tax cut for the highest earners in this year's budget which saw the highest rate of income tax drop to 45 percent from 50 percent.

(Editing by Patrick Graham)


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